The dragon snatched up the seer and chewed with what appeared to be a satisfied smile. It swallowed, then picked at one of his dagger-length teeth with a claw. Bruce's silver coin fell onto the counter. The dragon’s rancid, hot breath blasted over him. “You wouldn’t happen to know where the nearest lake is, do you? I always find mystics a bit dry.”
Enjoy other Six Sentence Sunday entries here.
lol! This story is so funny. Love the last sentence! :-)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! Great last line!!
ReplyDeleteHA! Love it!!! I'd read the book based on that last line alone! :)
ReplyDeletelmao. Great six
ReplyDeleteHa ha, brilliant!
ReplyDeleteFab six!
Love it! Very fun. :o)
ReplyDeleteIf the dragon finds a mystic dry then how does he feel about eating a knight
ReplyDeleteSo clever. Great lines.
ReplyDeleteSnarky dragons. I love it.
ReplyDeleteLOL. I love the humor in this story! Really original.
ReplyDeletedark and funny. I love that.
ReplyDeleteOh, perfect! I love this. Chewing with a satisfied smile--love that! :-)