Setting up the big events, getting the regional forum seeded with posts, starting to fill the calendar with scheduled events, it's all happening. I've got sixty goody bags ready to go, activities planned for the Kick off Party and our big mid-month write-in. Auction items are set aside and prizes are bagged and awaiting the fun to begin.
Now I have time to do some prep work on the novel I hope to finish this November. For the third year, though not consecutively, I will be working on Interface, a YA science fiction novel. Interface began as a short story in 2010 when I did 50K worth of short stories, which was an interesting exercise that resulted in a couple stories I was able to polish and publish and several others that haven't been touched in six years. Last year, I hauled Interface out and got it rolling as a novel. I dove into NaNo intending to finish it. Aaaaand then the niggling idea to write the third book of the Narvan hit me hard and I ended up writing that from beginning to end instead. So this year, darn it. I'm finishing Interface. Three NaNo years. It's time. So that means I'm reformatting my scattered efforts to a unified and non-distracting layout, taking notes and jotting down ideas for the path to resolution. With just over a month to go, I better quit with the distractions (like writing blog posts) and get on with the planning.