Showing posts with label IWSG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IWSG. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Heading into 2023 with Goals and One Word

After a successful and fruitful 2022, I'm gearing up to continue the wordy ride in 2023. I've already got 25 book signing events lined up, one new book slated for a spring release, and lots of projects in the works.

Let's start with a glance at how I did with my 2022 goals: #1 - Publish Seeker and Spindelkin. Check and check! #2 - Cut back on my event schedule from 28 to 26. I ended the year with 27 so...sort of check. Sometimes opportunities pop up that I can't refuse.

2023 goals:

• Release Everyone Dies: A Collection of Dark Tales

• Finally finish Frayed, because OMG this has been a tough one to get from brain to page.

• Illustrate Kay-Kay: The Littlest Chicken (new)

• Write/finish one of the following projects: Godmother (new), I9 (new), or Interface (2016 WIP). 

• Release one of those five projects.

• Don't keel over.

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Which brings us to... This month's Insecure Writer's Support Group question of the month: Do you have a One Word resolution for 2023?

As a matter of fact, I've had a one word resolution since 2012, so yes, I do! My 2022 one word was: Recover. I did a pretty good job of that. I wasn't near as burnt out at the end of the year as I was in 2021, so hey, I might have found a bit more balance for once. Hooray! 

Previous words were: (2021) Better - the year HAD to be better than the previous one. (2020) Read - joined a book club so that helped me make time to read more. (2019) Sleep - still struggling with this one. (2018) Speak - started doing panel presentations at cons. (2017) Enjoy - indulging in quiet moments with candles, warm blankets, binge-watching, and non-mom-duty time. (2016) Relax - still haven't figured out what this is. (2015) Time - allowing myself to take the time to write. (2014) Write - making an effort to write more regularly. (2013) Me - remembering to make time for myself.  (2012) Less - put an end to over-obligating myself for other people. 

And the word for 2023? Embrace

The chaos. The moment. The whim. The idea. <— All of this.

Looking at my schedule and my goals, it's going to be a wild ride even before whatever life throws into the mix so I'm just going to embrace whatever it is and roll with it. We'll see how I come out at the end. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Thank Goodness It's December!

 I lived through another November! Whew! Deep cleansing breath.

Let's see what was on my list for the crazy times:

Yard work: Pond goldfish moved indoors, stuff put away, and chicken coop winterized. DONE

Day job: Still going crazy, but hey, bills are getting paid. SURVIVED

Comic Con: It was a loooong three days, but I met so many new readers and had good turn outs at both of my panels. And people asked questions. We love when you ask questions! Can't wait to do it all again in 2023. SURVIVED

NaNoWriMo: I wrote several short stories for my collection, mostly wrapped up the personal project, wrote the rough draft for my children's chicken book, and made progress on Frayed. WON

In other winning news... Spindelkin is a Fantasy novel finalist in the 2022 American Writing Awards.

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What's on the agenda for December? Funny you should ask, since that's this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group question:

Are the holidays a time to catch up or fall behind on writer goals?

I think the trick there is setting workable goals fit your holiday schedule, but to answer the question...

Mid-December things start to slow down (typically, knocking on wood) at my day job so I have more time and energy to devote to editing or completing NaNo projects. I also only have one book event in December so that will leave some weekends free to enjoy my comfy writing chair. I suppose that means I will be "catching up". Which is good, because I need to work on getting books ready to publish for 2023. 

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

November: The Crazy Times

And so we again arrive at November, AKA The Crazy Times. 
Why so? 

1. November is the busiest time of the year for all aspects of my day job so, yay...overtime. 

2. It's NaNoWriMo - 50,000 words in 30 days

3. It's Comic Con month - meaning there are 4-5 days I will likely not have any time or energy to write and also work will be piling up at the day job while I'm off signing books at cons. 

4. It's prep for Winter month. In addition to everything above, I'll have to find time to winterize the pond, hopefully pull out the goldfish that have survived the ducks and set up a tank inside for them, get the plastic up on the chicken run, and put all the yard stuff away before snow starts to stick around. 

Can she do it all? Tune in next month to find out.

You can find me this month at:

Nov 11-13 Grand Rapids Comic Con where I'll be doing two panels

Nov 19 - Fantasticon 

Nov 26 - The Bluestocking Bookshop

Which leads neatly to this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group Question: 

Have you ever participated in NaNoWriMo?

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This will be year 17 of NaNo for me. So a resounding YES on participation.

I've won 15 times so far. The only year I didn't (2014), I was in the middle of building our current house, as in doing the general contracting, installing cabinets, helping with wiring, and doing a lot of tilework. I was kinda busy, but I did manage to get 25K in on a project I haven't touched since. Someday, I'll get back to it.

10 of those NaNo projects have gone on to be published.

Knowing this is crazy times, do I intend to win again this year? Yes, unless something major gets in the way. 

What will I be working on? I'm spreading my 50,000 new words over several ongoing projects and one new one. Last year's half finished Urban Fantasy, a horror themed short story collection, the mysterious personal Narvan project, and a children's book centered around my tiny handicapped chicken.

This is Kaykay. She fits in one hand.

Tips for NaNo success:

Write something everyday. On days you have more time, write 2K instead of 1,667. 

Build a buffer in the first week while your ambition is high so when life gets in the way, you can squeak by with a few 500 word days and still be on track.

Know that you can pound out 10K (or more) a day if you really put your mind to it so if you fall behind, all is not lost.

Realize that the middle of the novel is often a slog for first drafts. Allow yourself to make notes in slow sections and jump ahead to where you're motivated to make words happen.

Don't have two or three consecutive hours a day to write? Write in 15 minute bursts scattered throughout the day. I often find this my most productive way of writing.

Do most of your writing NOT AT THE KEYBOARD. When you're washing dishes, taking a shower, are doing something mindless at work, in the bathroom, driving, or eating lunch, think about your next scene. Then, when you have a chance, sit down and write it. Get back up and go for walk, give the kids a bath, ride a bike, fold the laundry, and think of the next scene. Repeat = novel.

Get involved with your local region or, if you don't have one, connect with others doing NaNo and support/encourage each other. This is one of those times when peer pressure is a good thing. 

Good luck to those participating this year! Go make words happen!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Falling Into New Projects

Things are finally slowing down this month. More of a catch my breath before November hits sort of quiet than anything, really. Only two single-day book signings this month and an actual vacation! It's been a few years since I've had a real vacation and here's the big one, my husband and I haven't had a vacation with just the two of us since before we were married. That was twenty-five years ago as of this Halloween. We figured we were due for an anniversary trip. Okay, overdue. Looong overdue. We'll be heading off to the Smoky Mountains later this month.

On another fun note, since I'm semi-prepping for NaNo, I'm considering an idea for a book that might require the need to dust off my long neglected painting skills. I've been spending the occasional evening doing watercolor lessons for a refresher. 

If you are looking for books, I'll be at the Geeky Experience Comic Con in Holland this weekend but then I'll be off until November. Hooray!

I got to hang out with author Vera West in Kalamazoo last weekend.

Projects on the agenda for NaNoWriMo this year include:

    1. Actually, for really really sure this time, working on Frayed

    2. A horror short story collection

    3. A children's book

    4. Being entirely unproductive publishing-wise but working on my personal project if all else fails.

November's book signing schedule:

    Nov 11-13 Grand Rapids Comic Con

    Nov 19 Fantasticon 

    Nov 26 Bluestocking Bookshop Indie Author Day

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And that brings us to this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group Question: What do you consider the best characteristics of your favorite genre?

Answering for Speculative Fiction because I'm kind of an umbrella term author, the best part is the freedom of imagination. Followed closely by being able to write whoever and whatever best serves the story without being tied to real world rules or expectations. Spec fic allows us to shine lights on all kinds of real world issues, but through a more distant lens that often makes those topics more palatable and easier to digest. Getting out of our world and into an entirely new one is also a great escape from daily life, a vacation in book pages. 


Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Book signings, Breathing, and IWSG

As I mentioned last month, this is the crazy times. I'm in the middle of a four weekend book signing frenzy before things start to settle down for the rest so the last few months of the year. Relatively, anyway. I'd make this a longer, more informative post, but my brain is jelly. 

Currently up on my schedule:

Charlotte Frontier Days - Sept 9 & 10

Monroe Pop Fest Sept 16 & 17

Kalamazoo Expo Center Craft Show October 1

Geeky Experience Comic Con October 8

Where I've been: 

Newaygo Logging Festival with Laya the chicken

I finally got to use my newly modified tent cover at the Michiana Renaissance Festival
This was a super show and I'll be back next year! 

I also got to wear my newly modified blue dress on a very hot day.
It fits much better now and is more comfortable.
I was super excited about being very very hot. Does it show?

What am I working on? Breathing mostly. It's allergy season. On the bright side, I've figured out my publishing goals for 2023, but that's a blog post for later month.

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Let's get to this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group question of the month: What genre would be the worst one for you to tackle and why? 

Historical Fiction. As much as I enjoy reading it. Writing it requires research. Research of that magnitude requires focus and detailed notes and keeping everything accurate to the period. My head hurt just thinking about it.

Yes, I keep detailed notes on facts and characters in my books, but there's a lot more freedom when you create your own world rather than having to maintain the accuracy of history and knowing all the things. Yes, that's my detailed description of, you know, the things: the stuff that makes historical pieces entertaining but also educational. 

I'll stick to enjoying the hard work and diligence of other authors in that genre.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Goodbye July, Hello August

 I spent July traveling across Michigan meeting readers. From Lansing, to Lake Orion, and then back to Grand Haven in West Michigan. Whew! It was a fun filled month of books, dragons, presenting writing panels, and even superhero wedding! 

Kogan Con - Grand Haven, MI

Michigan Medieval Faire - Lake Orion, MI
Capital City Comic Con - Lansing, MI

July was also Camp Nano, in which I plugged away at a book I'm writing for me at this point, wherein *spoiler alert* I'm killing people, crying about it, and processing the fact that they are dead. In theory, this may free me up to delve into other non-Narvan stand-alone the pile of them on my hard drive glaring at me to be finished. As of the end of the month, I added 40,000 new words to the novel. Since my original goal was to add 20K, I'm calling that a definite win. Yes, Seeker is still the last book of the core series. If this tragic tale eventually gets to your eyes, it will be a companion novel like Minor Years.  

Oh, and dammit, I already have ideas where I could go after this. But no! No! Must, concentrate on stand-alone books for a while! 

I'm also still percolating on the last 2/3 of Frayed, which is slowly making its way through my local writing group chapter by chapter and finishing it is currently slated to be my project for NaNo 2022 unless I can make this Narvan book shut up and work on it before then. 

After such a busy July, I'll be spending August resting. Right? Ha. You're funny.

You can find me:

August 6 - Holland Art in the Park

August 13&14 - South Haven Blueberry Festival

August 27 & 28 Michiana Renaissance Faire 

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That brings us to this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group question:  When you set out to write a story, do you try to be more original or do you try to give readers what they want?

The first draft of everything I write is for me. Sorry, readers. But hey, I'm a reader too and I have to wait for the words to leech out of my fingers onto the page to enjoy them. Trust me, you're getting the far better end of the deal here. Once the story gets to you, it's a smooth ride (hopefully) and far more coherent (definitely). 

Readers get much more consideration once a draft enters editing. I often move things around or cut bits entirely to make the story flow better, faster, or be more engaging for everyone who is not in my twisted head.

As far as being original, I would think that's something we all strive for. Originality comes with adding your own voice to any story. All the plots may have been done before, but its what you do with them that makes them unique.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

How is it July already?

Yes, I'll be asking a similar question all year. When you stay busy, time flies by. 

June was full of fun with Laya the chicken. Laya is a naked neck silkie and the most laid back of all my chickens. Books and a chicken? Yep. She often comes with me to outdoor events to draw people over to my booth, and because hey, chickens are fun! Have you ever pet a chicken? Visit my booth and you can check that off your bucket list.

Taking a walk at the Lakeshore Art Festival

Sitting pretty at the White Lake Arts and Crafts Festival
Getting all the love at Magical Realms

I've been doing a little work in my garden as time allows. So many weeds to pull. The chickens love to eat them though so that give me some extra incentive to get weeds pulled beyond making the flower hill look nice. 

Have I been writing? The answer was supposed to be no, because I'm taking a break. However, Camp Nano got brought up in my local writing group and I did have an already started project I was mulling scenes over yes, I am now writing. Sitting at 11K words so far for the month. I expect the fantastic pace will slow down now that my long holiday weekend is over.  

On the subject of taking a break, I have been reading and watching Netflix. Refilling the well, as it were.

Recently watched and finished: 

The Last Kingdom



The Ted Bundy Tapes

The Letter for the King

Cracow Monsters

Vikings Valhalla

The John Wayne Gacy Tapes

Recently Read:

Ravishing the Heiress by Sherry Thomas

The Kingmakers Daughter by Philippa Gregory

Sometimes We Fall by Yong Takahashi

Year One by Nora Roberts

Patrick by Stephen Lawhead

29 by Vera West

Bromance Bookclub by Lyssa Kay Adams

Now that I've enticed you with Laya the chicken, I'm sorry to say that she won't be back with me until August when I'm at closer to home outdoor events. However, this month, you can find chickenless me at:

July 8-10  Capital City Comic Con - Lansing, MI

July 16 &17 Michigan Medieval Stroll - Lake Orion, MI

July 23 Kogan Con - Grand Haven, MI

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And now to this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group question: If you could live in any book world, which one would you choose?

I'd have to go with my own Narvan world because I know the rules and the people there, and most importantly, who to avoid in order to stay alive. Alive is good. 

That whole world (universe?) has been with me for so long I can't imagine living any where else outside of the real world. Plus, my characters have aged with me. They're not moving as quickly as they used to. They suffer from aches and the occasional bad back day. I could fit in there in some quiet little background character roll without having to get into the plot chaos with main characters, but maybe still be close enough to see some of the action from a safe distance. 

Where would you go?

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

IWSG: June Monthly update

Rolling into summer already. It wasn't the best of spring weather, that's for sure. Hopefully the heat holds off until my body can acclimate to something other than 38-65 in wild shifts and then throw a random 88 degree day in there. ugh.

In non-writing life, my youngest has moved out but the oldest still lives at home. I haven't weeded a thing. My pond still isn't up and running. The chickens and ducks are doing great. 

So what's up on the writing project list? I'm slowly toying with another companion novel for The Narvan and slowly editing Frayed. Mostly, I'm fried after releasing two books a week apart and everything that led up to that. So I'm taking it easy for awhile. No deadlines. Actually reading books and diving into the occasional Netflix binge. 

Up next on the book event list:

June 4 & 5 : Magical Realms Fantasy Faire

June 18 & 19 : White Lake Arts & Crafts 

June 25 & 26 : Lakeshore Art Festival

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This month's Insecure Writer's Support Group Question is:

When the going gets tough writing the story, how do you keep yourself writing to the end? 

This happens a lot for me when I'm about one third of the way into the book. I've introduced the characters, the world, the conflict and now I've got to start figuring out how to get from all the drama I've just created to a resolution. So yes, the other 2/3 of the book. Once I bridge that gap, I'm usually good to go. However, if I can't figure it out, the story stalls and it sits on my hard drive until a solution hits me or it gathers virtual dust forever. 

How do I keep that from happening?

#1: Stop writing and start making a rough outline to figure how what needs to happen.

#2: Write a short note of what needs to happen in the troublesome scene(s) and skip ahead to the next part.

#3: Try something different to get the words flowing again - such as switching POV or dive into some dialogue if its a narrative section.

#4: Give some thought as to why the story is being tough. Have I made the plot too convoluted? Are the characters not properly motivated? Do I need to set something on fire to spice things up?

#5: Am I having a burnt out moment and need to take a few days off to recharge?

Usually there's a reason and it's just a matter of having the patience to figure out what it is to keep myself writing. 

What's your solution?

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

May The Fourth Be With You

It's been a busy month....and May just started! 

I kicked off the month with my first time at the 3-day the Whitestown Viking Festival in Indiana. Though it was super windy and we got rained out on Saturday, vendors and event goers had a great time. Lots of music, reenactments, horn-blowing, and beer and mead. 

Then it's back to work, and planning book releases before heading off on Friday to the Royal Stagg Renaissance Faire for the weekend for more book signing fun. 

Book releases? Yes! Spindelkin is available now, but officially launches on May 14 and Seeker: Book 4 of The Narvan launches on May 21. Links are in the side bar to the left. You can also by signed copies directly from me (shipped within the US) by using the tab above. More on both of those books closer to release days.

May 14, I'll be doing a release day signing for Spindelkin in Holland, MI at the Bluestocking Bookshop.

May 27 - 29, you can find plain old author me at the Newaygo Memorial Day Craft Show with fellow author Vera West and I should have both new books with me. 

Then can I take a break to catch my breath? Ummm sorta. I'm working on Frayed to get it ready for Kindle Vella, and I'm playing around with another Narvan companion novel. And modifying my tent cover for ren faire events...and adding beading a skirt for one of my ren faire dresses. And I have three weekend events next month.

Will I spontaneously combust one of these days? Probably.

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And now on to the Insecure Writer's Support Group question of the month:
It's the best of times; it's the worst of times. What are your writer highs (the good times)? And what are your writer lows (the crappy times)?

Writer Highs: 

When readers tag me in posts or send messages/emails saying they liked one of my books. For those of you not behind the pen, you have no idea how uplifting these little notes are. They can offset a bad review, the weariness of round twelve of edits, or the days when words just refuse to form sentences on the page. 

Meeting new-to-me readers and returning ones at events. Sitting in my writing cave is calm and peaceful but also very disconnected. It's energizing to chat with the people who I write for (other than me).

Getting to be the face of who authors are for kids (or anyone, really), who is excited to meet an author in person for the first time. We love to talk to you about books, what you're reading, what you like, what we like, and what we write and answer your questions.

Writer Lows: 

Not having days off because you have a day job and spend your weekends out promoting books. It's fun, but it's also tiring. 

Starting a new project, knowing all the work that lays ahead.

Selling so many copies of your books but hardly anyone leaves Amazon reviews no matter how nicely you ask.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

It was all calm until April hit

While the weather is warming up outside, my task list is heating up as well. And just in time for my event schedule to kick in full swing! Yay?

With the snow melting away, that means lots of yardwork to do. Thousands of sticks to pick up, leaves to rake, the garden the plant, flowerbeds to clean out, and a new chicken run to put up. Just a few things.

And then there are writing projects:

Seeker: Book 4 of The Narvan is off to proofreaders.

Spindelkin is in final line edits.

Frayed is hanging out, waiting for an editing pass before getting started on Kindle Vella. It may be venturing out to my local critique group for a while while I juggle everything else.

A possible second Narvan Novel announced itself in my brain today - taking place four years after Seeker. OMG, stop the muse train. I need a moment to breathe.

I also need to write blurbs for both Seeker and Spindelkin and get the cover art finalized.

And I'd love a little quiet. The chicks I posted photos of last month are all growing fast and as soon as the nights are reliably above freezing, will be moving out to the coop. They are currently peeping away at each other signaling that its time to get on the roost for the night. They do this for about forty-five minute straight. It sounds cute. And it is for the first couple nights...

While I do all that, I've been busy finalizing my 2022 event schedule. With the possible addition of two more single day events, I'm done. Stick a fork in me. Maybe that will hold me down. 

Can I effectively juggle my book inventory during all this? Tune in to find out.

Coming up soon:

April 8 - 10 Grand Rapids Spring Fling Comic Con

April 22 - 23 Penguicon (virtual attendance)

April 24 Tulip City Comic Con

April 29 - May 1 Viking Festival

May 7 & 8 Royal Stagg Ren Faire

May 27 - 29 Newaygo Memorial Day Art Fair

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Which brings us to the Monthly Insecure Writer's Support Group portion of the post. This month's question deals with audio books. I haven't yet ventured into those. I've had plenty of readers ask for them, but that just hasn't been on my priority list yet. 

So I'm going to jump to another topic instead. Too many projects. How do you manage them? 

I try to prioritize what needs to happen when so that I have a new book in the spring, and one in the fall. That's my goal. However, this year, things seem to have gone hilly nilly right out of the gate. Seeker was supposed to be my spring launch, but there were a lot more edits than anticipated, which added significantly to the word count (not complaining, I love how it turned out), which made line edits take much longer than planned. Then we add me picking up twice as many ren faires as I've done in the past, which lit a fire under my behind to get my YA fantasy Spindelkin ready for print so I could launch that early summer instead of fall. That derailed my plan to spend a month getting Frayed up on Kindle Vella. And then this new Narvan novel shows up, pounding on my door with a vengeance. Deep cleansing breath.

Writing is a juggling act. I'm going to attempt to stick with softly inflated beach balls rather than chain saws. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Marching into Spring

There may still be snow on the ground but at least the sun is shining now and then. Soon enough yard work will be back on the weekend agenda. Until then, I'm busy working on Seeker : Book 4 of The Narvan. The fine tuning edits are going slowly but I'm nearing halfway done. The final book in the main series is shaping up to be a long one, but hopefully also fulfilling for all the characters and wrapping up the series plot. 

Spindelkin is leaving Kindle Vella as I type this. The YA Fantasy novel is next up for going to print once I get Seeker out to proofreaders. 

Frayed, a YA urban fantasy (work in progress) will be hitting Kindle Vella as soon as I have time to get the first chapters edited and uploaded. Here's the cover so far. I'll be playing with it for months, I'm sure. I'm still playing with the cover for Spindelkin, for goodness sake. Nothing is set in stone until it goes to print. 

Upcoming book signing events:

Hall of Heroes Con in Elkhart IN - March 5-6

Grand Rapids Women's Expo in Grand Rapids, MI - March 18-20

Grand Rapids Spring fling Comic Con in Grand Rapids, MI - April 8-10

Tulip City Comic con in Holland, MI - April 24

Whitestown Viking Festival in Whitestown, IN - April 29 - May 1

And speaking of the Viking Festival, I finally finished sewing my new garb.  I had to relearn how to weave. It's been a long time since the fiber arts weeks of art class in high school. All the trim is tablet woven, which, in theory was going to give me some time to kick back and watch Netflix while I worked on it, but it turns out you have to have to actually pay attention to what you're doing. (My first strip has a about five different patterns in it because I kept losing count.)Well, crap. I ended up switching to an easier pattern for the rest of it and still had to keep flipping a paper to remind myself whether I was going forward or backward. Short term memory and I are not great friends. 

Lots of layers for all weather. 

Squeezing out the last wavering inches of tablet weaving.
Its is professional? No. Will it suffice? Yep.

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Which brings us to this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group question: 

Have you ever been conflicted about writing a story or adding a scene to your story?

The short answer: Yes, but I almost always write them anyway. It's just whether I let anyone else ever see them. 

But seriously, I'm just gonna go ahead and overthink that question. Long answer: Sure. But for multiple reasons. 

A. The story or scene is too close to home. I'm pretty sure I touched on this one in a previous IWSG post. Writing is a good place to work though difficult emotions or situations, like therapy, able to distance ourselves a little and see it through a character instead of ourselves. But sometimes those things are too private or sensitive to share or might offend family members if they see through the thin veil of fiction.

B. I'm just not ready to tell that story. I don't have enough experience or knowledge of a topic or lifestyle to accurately covey what I want to show. Or it's not a genre I'm comfortable writing yet. There are a few stories lurking on my hard drive that are waiting for me to do research/gain life experience.

C. The scene might not fit in the book as a whole, but I'm jonesing to write it anyway. I almost always give into to this urge and see where it goes. It's about 70/30 in favor of ending up in the book, often with major edits to make it mesh, but these are usually great emotional moments or add depth of character.

And if you've made it this far though this month's blog post. You deserve chicks. Meet the newest additions to my flock. 

Olive Egger

Midnight Mystic Maran

Blue-laced Golden Wyandotte

Congratulations, you made it to the end. :) What are you up to this month?

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Spring Book Events and IWSG

It's winter here in West Michigan. Lots of snow, temps in the teens during the day, and snow plows galore. This is grey and white, our official winter color pallet.

Winter means we're not spending much time outside. I'm not a snow loving person other than to sit inside and look out at it. Ah yes, pretty. Now, back under my blanket with a warm computer on my lap. During nature's break from yard work, I'm busy booking events, sewing, and working on edits for Seeker. 

You can find me in Michigan and Indiana this Spring:

Feb 5 Byron Rec Comic con

Feb 11-13 Lansing Women's Expo

March 5-6 Hall of Heroes Con 

March 18-20 Grand Rapids Women's Expo

April 8-10 Grand Rapids Comic Con Spring Fling

April 24 Tulip City Comic Con

April 29 - May 1 Whitestown Viking Festival

What have I been sewing? Well, I'm doing five Ren Faire events this year and all are multi-day, so I decided to make a new set of clothes with options. Also, the first event is a Viking Festival, which I simply don't have anything to wear for (dramatic sigh) so a new outfit was in order. Being in April means it could be cold. Could be warm. One never knows. An outfit with options was needed. Layers!

This is layer one. It's super soft and comfy. I do have one ren faire dress that's form fitting and let me tell you, it takes two people to get into and laced up. I'm often without a maid at these things so I'm favoring comfort and ease these days. I'll leave the sexy wench and corset garb to the younger people. Ideally, I need to get a long leather belt for the waist but that's later add-on right now.

This is layer two. Or layer one if its a nice day. Its lighter weight. There are two more layers that I've yet to sew. Or cut the patterns for, actually. Lots of projects going on here. Then I'm going to attempt some weaving for more traditional trim, which I haven't done since high school. As you may gather, that was a while ago.

You may remember from last month that I was attempting to finish a cross stich project from fifteen years ago. Well, I did it! I don't recommend letting your project sit around for fifteen years as the colors fade, you discover that you weren't paying very close attention to the pattern fifteen years ago, and the cloth isn't actually as cream-colored (it was dirty and a bit stained on the edges) as you thought it was. But it's done and I'm happy with how it turned out (mostly that its done). 

And this brings us to February's Insecure Writer's Support Group part of my month's post. Do I intend to write more than a monthly post? Sure. Do I actually do it?  Uhhh,.. Is it next month already? 

This month's question is: Is there someone who supported or influenced you that perhaps isn't around anymore? 

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participating writers.

This is kind of a sore spot for me. Support wasn't something I had much of early on. I had a few teachers in elementary school that encouraged me to write. One high school creative writing teacher did her fair share of encouraging too. She passed away years ago. However, when it came to friends and family, there were a lot of crickets. 

When my first short stories were published twelve years ago, I had a family member buy a copy. I thought I was onto something, but even when my first couple books were published, its was crickets in the support gang. I wasn't until I'd been published for ten years (no, seriously) that family and friends really started catching on and actively supporting, encouraging, and buying. 

So for those of you who feel lonely out there in the book-filled world, your time will also come. As with all aspects of writing, patience is key. And hey, support is what this group is all about, right? 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

2022 One Word, IWSG, and Upcoming Events

Now that the holidays are over, it's time to start looking forward in to the new year. Tiptoeing. Quietly. Not touching aaaanything.

I haven't had much luck with my One Word Resolutions the past few years due to the world falling apart and various other things out of my control, but hey, why not play along like this year might be different? I'm going to play it safe with RECOVER. 

Currently I have a cold. Just one of those plain old chest colds that due to the coughing, make everyone run for the hills. I've had Covid. I'm sure I can handle a cold. Other than recovering from that, I'm looking forward to recovering some spring events that were still cancelled in 2021, some mythical 'free time' that went to taking care of my MIL and my daughter during their heath crises, and some mental wellness by doing some of the non-writing hobbies that I haven't made time for in years. 

One of those is a cross stitch that I started at least fifteen years ago and has sat untouched on the stand, 2/3 done, staring at me longingly, for the past seven years. Current goal: finishing this thing! It matches a plate that my grandmother gave me. I'd like to get them framed together. Eventually.

Those events I'm hoping to recover? Here's my spring line up:

Feb 5 Byron Rec Comic Con
Feb 11-13 Lansing Women's Expo
March 5-6 Hall of Heroes Con
March 18-20 Grand Rapids Women's Expo
April 8-10 Grand Rapids Spring Comic Con
April 24 Tulip City Comic Con
April 29- May 1 Whitestown Viking Fest

And that brings us to this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group question:

What's the one thing about your writing career you regret the most? Were you able to

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participating writers.

 overcome it?

Biggest regret: not having more proofreading early on in my writing career. It seems there are always typos, however, the goal is to have as few as possible or if the angels are smiling upon you, none at all. I've found typos in short stories I've had in various magazines and anthologies. Even in my books that were published by a publisher. So it's no surprise that self-published books often have typos too.

I've learned not to expect anyone else to find them all during the editing/proofing journey. Everything I submit anywhere now goes through a process to eliminate as many of those pesky buggers as possible. This way, editors and proofreaders can hopefully catch the few that are missed rather than being overwhelmed by the brunt of the typo load.

The super secret process? Read the story on screen. Find typos. Print the story, read the pages. Find typos. Have the computer read it too me. Find typos. Read the whole darn thing again. Find significantly less typos. Then it goes to other eyeballs. And still, when it comes back for the final proof before printing, I'll read it again, and find a few more to fix. Every. Darn. Time. 

We're all human. Typos and all.