Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Thank Goodness It's December!

 I lived through another November! Whew! Deep cleansing breath.

Let's see what was on my list for the crazy times:

Yard work: Pond goldfish moved indoors, stuff put away, and chicken coop winterized. DONE

Day job: Still going crazy, but hey, bills are getting paid. SURVIVED

Comic Con: It was a loooong three days, but I met so many new readers and had good turn outs at both of my panels. And people asked questions. We love when you ask questions! Can't wait to do it all again in 2023. SURVIVED

NaNoWriMo: I wrote several short stories for my collection, mostly wrapped up the personal project, wrote the rough draft for my children's chicken book, and made progress on Frayed. WON

In other winning news... Spindelkin is a Fantasy novel finalist in the 2022 American Writing Awards.

If you're not familiar with 
and find links to all the other 
participating writers.

What's on the agenda for December? Funny you should ask, since that's this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group question:

Are the holidays a time to catch up or fall behind on writer goals?

I think the trick there is setting workable goals fit your holiday schedule, but to answer the question...

Mid-December things start to slow down (typically, knocking on wood) at my day job so I have more time and energy to devote to editing or completing NaNo projects. I also only have one book event in December so that will leave some weekends free to enjoy my comfy writing chair. I suppose that means I will be "catching up". Which is good, because I need to work on getting books ready to publish for 2023. 

Happy Holidays!


  1. What a productive November you had. Congrats on being up for an award, too. Have a great Christmas!

  2. That all sounds awesome! Congrats on the award!

  3. You did all that and still beat NaNo? I am impressed!

  4. Hi Jean - I note you're always busy - and thus are obviously very productive - congratulations ... and here's to a bit of slow time in that writing chair - cheers Hilary


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