Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2025 Goals

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Welcome to the first Insecure Writer's Support Group post of 2025 (AKA my incentive to write a monthly post - and yes, I'm posting early. Look at me go.). I'm bypassing the optional question this month in favor of a quick chat about goals. Every January I update my new goals and check in on the old ones to see how I did. Goals are what keeps us going. Well, that and breathing.

Let's see what was on the agenda for 2024 and how I did.

New books I hope you'll see in 2024:

Frayed - out with ARC readers RELEASED!

One Shot At The Sphinx - in the last round of edits RELEASED!

Laya's Vacation - waiting for illustrations RELEASED!

Projects I hope to get to or wrap up in 2024:

Godmother - currently just notes I did start this one. So yay? Is it wrapped up? Nooooooo

i9 - first draft in progress First draft complete! Hooray!

Interface - first draft in progress Ooooooh, yeah, so uhh..... FAIL. AGAIN. Sorry, Interface. 

On the bonus side, I did write Nugget the Space Chicken, which wasn't even on my list (currently out for edits and a reading by my target audience). Woohoo!

Other goals for 2024:

As always, I'm hoping to read more. I have so many books on my TBR stacks and on my kindle.  I did get at least one if not three books read a month, so I'll call this a win. Did I also add to my TBR stacks so I looks like I accomplished nothing? Yep.

I'd like to get out in my flower garden more. We'll see if my body cooperates. I did return to the flower garden and cleaned out / replanted several large sections, redid my stone stairway, AND built a large raised vegetable garden out of five pallets full of very heavy blocks. #muscle  

Maybe work a little less. Yes, I'm laughing at that one while looking at my 2024 events over there on the right, but we're back to that hope thing. On paper, I did work less. A little. I only did one book event Sept - Dec so yay me. The down time would have been fantastic had I not also taken on two exchange students in Sept for the rest of the school year. Are they fun kids? Yep. Are we having a good time? Yep. Am I relaxing? Umm Nope.

Which brings us to... Goals for 2025:

Publish Nugget the Space Chicken

Publish I9

Finish writing Godmother

Finish writing Interface (Shaking my head at this one. Poor Interface)

Successfully juggle enough book stock for all those events ---> 

Read two books a month

Keep working on the overgrown flower garden

Did you have a good year? Do you have goals for the year ahead?


  1. Happy New Year! I hope you work a little less this year because other things in life are important too. And FYI the IWSG is next Wednesday.

    1. Yeah, I'm early this month to get my goal post in. Don't worry, I do plenty of other things beyond books. ;)

  2. Happy New Year! Working less is on my list too (it has been for a few years now but it never happens 😁)

  3. Two exchange students? Nope, no relaxing there. Bet you are all learning a lot from each other though.

  4. I'm impressed: read two books a month. I'm a slow reader, so one a year is my speed. Wishing you complete success with your 2025 goals.


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