Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A to Z: Short Beginnings K

2016 THEME: Short Stories - at least the beginnings thereof.
YOUR PART: Throw out names, themes, random words or situations using the letter of the day and I'll pick some of them to include in the opening paragraphs of a short story.
WHY: I'm most inspired when there's a challenge involved. Usually that means an opening line or a theme. This month: your words.

My creative blender awaits your K word suggestions in the comments section. Stop by tomorrow's post to read the story you inspired.

Looking for more great blogs? Check out the massive list of A to Z Challenge participants.

J story:
Jenna circled the jaguar with her six knives in hand. Giant golden eyes watched her with the same interest. Interest that might indicate the cat was ready to leap for her jugular at any moment.
"I don't think this is a good idea," she said for the third time since she'd met the cat ten minutes ago.
"Quit being such a baby," said Harold. "Just stay steady and don't make any sudden moves."
She knew the handler would know if one of the circus cats was truly posed a threat to her, but she couldn't help but sweat as she did the lap around the ring again. The cat kept pace with her, his steps much more fluid and graceful than hers. His teeth were much longer too.
"Isn't, you know, the whole juggling thing full of sudden moves?" she asked.
"Relax, I've seen you perform a hundred times. Your routine is very rhythmic. The only sudden move is the first one."
Jenna shifted the knives in her hand. She took a deep breath, kept an eye on the cat and tossed the first knife into the air.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A to Z: Short Beginnings J

2016 THEME: Short Stories - at least the beginnings thereof.
YOUR PART: Throw out names, themes, random words or situations using the letter of the day and I'll pick some of them to include in the opening paragraphs of a short story.
WHY: I'm most inspired when there's a challenge involved. Usually that means an opening line or a theme. This month: your words.

My creative blender awaits your J word suggestions in the comments section. Stop by tomorrow's post to read the story you inspired.

Looking for more great blogs? Check out the massive list of A to Z Challenge participants.

I story:
Charles regarded Isabella's invention with a critical eye, scanning up and down the shining silver tubes and jumping just a fraction as the tiny blue spark flared into an electric charge that made the hair on the back his neck rise. Not wanting to interrupt her while she made adjustments to the isotropic field that now surrounded them, he pondered the shimmering, semi-transparent surface from where he stood in the middle, marveling at her creation. Like peering through an icicle, the view to the rest of the warehouse outside the field was somewhat distorted and hazy, but still here, assuring him that they hadn't left reality quite yet.
The idea that leaving was actually possible seemed inconceivable. And he still wasn't convinced, which is why he was here now standing naked with his former student. He prayed to all that was holy that this wasn't some ignominious stunt, that the warehouse had remained empty and there wasn't a camera crew of disgruntled former students just out of his view laughing their asses off.
Isabella's fingers parted ways with the terminal attached to the equipment standing in the center of the field. "So what do you think?"
"Quite intriguing." He tried keep his gaze on the machine she'd created, but it kept drifting to other, more pleasurable points of interest. It had been far too long since he'd been this close to a naked woman, especially a young and pretty one, fairly beaming with pride and eager for his approval. Before he got himself into an even more embarrassing situation, he took a deep breath and plunged into cold shower thoughts.  
While she launched into an explanation into the mechanics behind her invention, Charles considered the Ice Age, his grandmother's hairy upper lip, crying babies, and the smell of the trash he was pretty sure he'd forgotten to take out this morning.
Isabella bent over, opening the tiny door near the bottom of the central tube. "This is the crystal I created that focuses the beam and..."
He had no idea what else she said. He turned away. Cold thoughts. Ice cream. He could lick ice cream off... Charles cleared his throat. "Why exactly is it that we can't wear clothes inside the field?"

Monday, April 11, 2016

A to Z: Short Beginnings I

2016 THEME: Short Stories - at least the beginnings thereof.
YOUR PART: Throw out names, themes, random words or situations using the letter of the day and I'll pick some of them to include in the opening paragraphs of a short story.
WHY: I'm most inspired when there's a challenge involved. Usually that means an opening line or a theme. This month: your words.

My creative blender awaits your I word suggestions in the comments section. Stop by tomorrow's post to read the story you inspired.

Looking for more great blogs? Check out the massive list of A to Z Challenge participants.

H story...
Alexandra stared at the broken black ceramic heifer on the tile floor, tears welling in her eyes. Her muscles tensed as Grandmother shuffled into the room, drawn by the sound. Her cane tap tapped over the floor while the hard soles of her shoes scraped along with each step, muffled slightly by the thick layers of her long dark skirts.
Spittle flew from her thin lips and the glare of those eyes carved deeply into her wrinkled face turned Alexandra hollow inside. "Girl, what have you done?"
Honesty would only gain her a beating. Lying would get her more of the same. The switch in the corner haunted her nightmares.
She took one last look at the shattered heirloom and bolted for the door. With her own skirts in hand, her bare feet sped over the worn grass outside the cottage, scattering the chickens. She passed through the field and had just reached the edge of the wood when her heel struck a rock. Alexandra fell to her knees, cradling her wounded foot, barely budded chest heaving as she gulped for air.    
Blood dripped through her fingers. Crows squawked from the nearby branches and a cold wind stirred the tall grasses around her. Her harrowing escape from Grandmother's switch was only the beginning. She'd glimpsed the yellowed paper inside the broken figurine and that writing hadn't been ink. Helpless, the heavy weight of a curse settled upon her shoulders.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

A to Z: Short Beginnings H

2016 THEME: Short Stories - at least the beginnings thereof.
YOUR PART: Throw out names, themes, random words or situations using the letter of the day and I'll pick some of them to include in the opening paragraphs of a short story.
WHY: I'm most inspired when there's a challenge involved. Usually that means an opening line or a theme. This month: your words.

My creative blender awaits your H word suggestions in the comments section. Stop by tomorrow's post to read the story you inspired.

Looking for more great blogs? Check out the massive list of A to Z Challenge participants.

G story:
Looking for guidance, Grace turned to her best friend and gave her the most pathetic boo boo lip she could muster. "If I can't convince Gary to play the game, I'll never pass the summoning test."
Gladice rolled her eyes, immune to the lip. "Goodness Gracious, Grace, pick someone else! He's not the only boy around. All you need is a guy to kiss you so you can open the gate." She flopped down on the bed next to Grace. "And you could get any guy around to kiss you with that lip."
"But Greg isn't any guy. He's all hot and smooth like gravy."
Laughter rolled out of Gladice until hiccups took over. "Gravy? Your mother must make it different that mine, lumpy and with this scary sheen of coagulated greasy bits on top."
Grace sighed and rolled over to face the ceiling of the dorm room they shared. "You're not helping."

Friday, April 8, 2016

A to Z: Short Beginnings G

2016 THEME: Short Stories - at least the beginnings thereof.
YOUR PART: Throw out names, themes, random words or situations using the letter of the day and I'll pick some of them to include in the opening paragraphs of a short story.
WHY: I'm most inspired when there's a challenge involved. Usually that means an opening line or a theme. This month: your words.

My creative blender awaits your G word suggestions in the comments section. Stop by tomorrow's post to read the story you inspired.

Looking for more great blogs? Check out the massive list of A to Z Challenge participants.

F story:
The loud smack of flesh hitting the fender made Greg slam on the brakes. He prayed for all he was worth that whatever it was hadn't dented his father's car. He'd never be allowed to drive it again, and it would be a solid year of working at Franks-N-Steins before he'd afford his own. At least one that Shelly wouldn't mind being seen in.  
The night air was cold as he got out of the car. He was glad for the coat his mother had insisted that he wore over the dress shirt and tie. His father's tie. He just hoped he didn't look as stupid as he felt wearing it once he picked up Shelly and they got to the dance.
As he rounded the front of the car and hesitantly approached the passenger side, a chill ran up his spine. Yes, there was certainly a dent there, but that wasn't the most frightening thing. Frankly, the thing sprawled on the ground with long gnashing teeth, glowing red eyes, and one leg pinned under his tire won top prize in that category.