Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Special Guest: Marion Sipe

Please give a warm welcome to Marion Sipe, author of A Sign In Blood. I'll try to keep my discarded throngs at bay while we do this interview. They're used to me ignoring them lately. Just don't look any of them in the eye and we'll be fine.

With A Sign in Blood, what did you have the most fun writing?

The ending. It still gets me every single time I read it. I hope it does the same for others, but just knowing that it hasn't lost anything for me, despite my having read it at least a dozen times, makes me grin. So, it's my favorite part of the book, and the part I enjoyed writing the most.

When you can enjoy your own story even after all the hard work and multiple readings, you know you've created something wonderful. Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

I learned a lot of things, actually. Liral and Chadri are characters of color and through writing them, and researching in order to write them, I learned a bit about the subject. The rewriting and editing always teach me something new and through it I think I gain a better grasp of the craft. Even if it is just a little each time. Getting crits for the story taught me a lot, too, and really made me look at things from different angles, which is always fascinating.

Writing and editing seem to be an endless learning experience don't they? Speaking of which, you know I'm a NaNo nut. Have you ever participated in NaNoWriMo?

I did several years ago, and then again last year. I had a great time and made some really awesome friends. I won, too! I actually wrote something like 135k in a single month. It was glorious, but exhausting.

135k? That is glorious! What's your favorite NaNo Pep Talk?

Lemony Snicket did a pep talk last year and I still have it in my inbox! It's really fantastic, and I re-read it whenever I need a boost. It never fails to make me grin, and to keep me writing, which is, I suppose, the point of a pep talk! :-D

We all need a little motivation now and then. What gave you the idea to write your book?

I can't remember. It's been so long, I really have no idea what that initial spark was. It could have been anything, really. I know that, somewhere after I had started writing it, I got stalled and then I saw this wonderful documentary about deserts and that got me back into the story. I find deserts fascinating, and being able to build one really hooked me.

What kind of readers will enjoy your book?

My hope is that there's something for everyone, but I think we all want that for our books. I think people who enjoy an immersive world and complicated characters will enjoy A Sign in Blood. And, of course, the hardcore fantasy readers to whom 300 pages is a great start. :-D

Sounds good to me. What research did you do for the book?

For this book specifically I researched deserts, mountains, gunpowder, a variety of plants, toxins, several cultures, camels, cavalry, and a bunch more stuff. But I would have done all that anyway. I enjoy the research, too. I just hope that I did it justice.

I'm trying to imagine how that all comes together. Gun-toting camels clashing with the mountain camels who employ toxins! Ok, probably not. Ahem... What do you hope your readers come away with after reading your book?

A great big smile? Honestly, I'm not sure. I hope readers enjoy the story, and I hope it makes an impression, but there's not any one thing in particular I'm trying to say. I hope it makes people think, it certainly did me.

Thanks for stopping by, Marion! My discarded characters must like you, they behaved the entire time. Or maybe they're quietly plotting how to get ahold of a herd of those gun-toting camels...

You can purchase A Sign In Blood here Amazon or here B&N or here Smashwords

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July Readingfest

While many of my fellow writing pals are off at CampNano, I'm stuck in a work schedule that leaves my creative brain fried and my fingers reluctant to go anywhere near my laptop. I did manage to get away for a long holiday weekend to take our first official family camping trip.

Other than some majorly rude and annoyingly obnoxious camp site neighbors, it was a wonderful experience. The weather was perfect. We found interesting fossil rocks, played in the sand, paddled around in a canoe and cooked food over the fire. Good stuff. I also brought a book and tried to get a little reading done.

Honestly, I did more carrying the book around intending to read it than actual reading, but having the leisure to do so did manage to rekindle the urge to read for enjoyment that had been lacking due to critiquing for the past couple years and trying to get my own writing done. Once home and the camping gear put away, I sat down and poured through the sand speckled pages. Then I picked up another and read that. I just cracked open a third. I've declared this month my Readingfest.

I'm hoping to work through some of my towering TBR pile. So far I've conquered:
The Barbarian by Judith French A good romance tale with a little lite history on the side. Other than feeling, from the amount of backstory inserted, that this was a book two, I didn't find much to distract me from enjoying the story of Alexander's wife, Roxanne, her hidden child, Ptolemy's need to outshine his dead brother, his missing bastard... oh and, of course, the hot barbarian prince who rescues her. I enjoyed the fact that this was a more mature romance in that Mr. Hottie had adopted and raised two boys on his own and both of the MCs were on their second marriage. No heaving-breasted virgins here, no sir.

For the past two days, my head has been stuck in Dark Fire by Christine Feehan. While formulaic like I've found the Carpathian series generally to be, it was still an enjoyable, quick read. Stong-willed and perpetual loner Tempest finds herself employed as the mechanic of an eccentric band, who are all secretly Carpathians (not exactly vampires). When their large, domineering bodyguard declares she is his lifemate and bonds them together, she must come to grips with kissing her loner lifestyle goodbye for all eternity. Lots of sex seems to help her adjust. The dialogue felt stiff in places and the descriptions repetitive, but overall, I wasn't complaining.

This morning, I dove into the long awaited Jacqueline Carey's Naamah's Blessing which arrived in my mailbox yesterday. Having reached chapter eleven by lunch, I've already laughed and cried. It took Puss in Boots eyes and much tugging from my daughter to dislodge me from the book in order to get my motherly duties and work day going. I marvel at Carey's skill at weaving so much emotion into her characters and creating such a wonderfully detailed world. I'm sad to see another of her trilogies close but anxious to see if another will follow. More gushing on this novel when I finish it. Which will likely be tomorrow at this pace. Who needs sleep?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Reluctant Blogcation

I hadn't intended to take time off from all you fun folks, but working ten hour days, including weekends, has slaughtered my free time like a chainsaw dual in a defunct summercamp filled with half-naked, beer-drinking teens.

While I love paying my bills, I miss my writing time and wandering around on the internet. My back would prefer me sitting on the couch rather than running up and ladders and lifting heavy things. The rest of me would like that too.

I hope to be back soon!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fill in the blank fun

I'd love to say that writing is going along as wonderfully as previously reported, but I hit a wall a week ago and am back in idea percolation mode. This mad lib, supplied by the ever lovely and talented Elena Solodow conveys my issues pretty darn well. But no, really, my MC doesn't die. Honest.

If you'd like to participate in the mad lib fun head over to her blog right now. Maybe not right now, but in a few minutes.

Dear Main Character,

Just writing to tell you how much I appreciate what you do. I know it was tough getting past that total chapter rewrite #402 last week, but you made it through.

(Just to let you know, there's another one at the climax of the novel. Hope that's all right.)

I know you said you’re really sick of me rewriting your scenes, especially when I replace the ones where you had a good time with Ms. MC and I appreciate your feedback. It's always good to hear from your characters, but I really feel that you’re stronger with these new scenes that are rife with conflict and showcase your strengths, okay?

This novel is about you defying ‘the man’ and getting the girl, plain and simple. If you feel it's not right for you, we can part ways now. I know there's a couple secondary characters who would love a promotion.

So for tomorrow's writing session, let's focus on getting past this chaos of plotpoints I’ve written us into and figure a way to bring them all together to a resounding climax. I really love the way you have an attitude with the bad guys, but make sure you don’t start that with me this time, otherwise you might get killed off a little earlier than expected.

(Oh, no. You don't die in this book. Don't worry.)

(Really, would I lie to you?)

Anyway, MC, thanks again. Always know I'm here for you, except when I have my "sudden inspirations".

Yours always,

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday: Not Another Bard's Tale 5

In this last excerpt from Not Another Bard's Tale, Ed, the Evil Overlord in disguise, has infiltrated the motley band of heros as they travel to his keep in the hopes of defeating him. Harold, the bard, has just finished a rather disparaging song about evil overlords getting killed by heros which Ed took a bit of offense to.

Harold said, "Usually the ones not loved by their mommies, some deep emotional childhood scar that twists them, bad grades in school and hanging out with the wrong crowd, that sort of thing.”

Ed’s mouth hung open and when he finally gathered the wherewithal to close it, he sputtered, “That’s not how it is at all, I’ll have you know.”

Bruce gave him an odd look. “You some sort of expert on evil overlords, Ed?”

Ed gritted his teeth and continued on his way. “Just seems like with a man so evil as Darkious Maximus, Evil Overlord Extraordinaire and Master of the Nine Darknesses, would be carved of deeper stuff than your typical evil overlord material.”

If you've enjoyed Not Another Bard's Tale, you might also enjoy my short story, The Employer, which is available in the The First Line.

Check out other fabulous SSS excerpts here.