Thursday, April 3, 2014

A to Z Crazy

Welcome to the 2014  A to Z Challenge. My theme for this year is why I shouldn't be participating. Thank you to David for writing the post that got the voices in my head working against me

Crazy.  What I'd be to take yet another thing on right now.

We are just beginning to build a house. Not physically ourselves. Well, not most of it. However, we are self contracting so it's still a lot of calling, organizing and decision making on our part. And we've not broken ground yet, which means the crazy has barely begun. Add to that two kids with afterschool activities, a heavy work schedule and that novel I'm trying to pull together...well, I seems I am crazy (as if this needed to be further proven).

1 comment:

  1. Crazy is a good one...I remember when we were building out house, with two kids under 5, living far away from family, working a full time job. It was a crazy time and now 10 years later, everything is starting to break...water heater, fridge, dish another crazy time.

    C is for Cream in my Coffee!


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