And so, without further ado, I offer you my effort at a remotely coherent one hundred word sentence. Take a deep breath. Go.
Gentle blue waves lapped against Ciralia’s pale shoulders as she fluttered her long, slender arms around her in order to maintain her view of the great wooden ship with its crew of dirty, land-dwelling, dark-skinned men who were running to and fro with buckets on long ropes, throwing water on the bright orange fires that licked hungrily at the sun-drenched timbers, spreading and growing faster as if mocking their futile efforts, and she smiled knowing that their beautiful white bones would soon adorn her underwater kingdom far below the glittering surface that men foolishly claimed as part of their realm.
ReplyDeleteGood one. I want to read the next sentence.
ReplyDeleteThanks. We can only hope that the next sentence would be much shorter than this one. :)
ReplyDeleteOne sentence? Jean, I think you've written a whole story here in just 100 words!
ReplyDeleteThat's what I was going for. Glad it came through. :)
ReplyDeleteI came and saw. Thanks for entering!