Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Book Release and NaNoWriMo


It's release day for Tears of the Tyrant

The Narvan continues with book five:

Rumors of Tyrant Ta’set’s killing sprees have spread throughout the known universe. Or are they truths?

Vayen’s hold on his deadly Arpex abilities is slipping. If he loses control, he’ll be executed and his mission of unification and peace will die with him. Desperate to help Vayen maintain his precarious balance, Anastassia is willing to offer him a week with another woman as a diversion from his dark urges. Can she live with her decision if he wants more?

In the public spotlight by association, Daniel unwittingly ignites a political uprising when, in the spirit of love and unity, he adopts the Jalvian practice of taking a second wife. While he works with Neko to guide the debate within the Narvan, he must also work alongside his volatile, tyrannical father as they race the rumors to seek out amiable worlds for their advisory union. Daniel struggles to take on the brunt of his parent’s mission while facing his own darkness.

Spending a guilt-free week with Vayen is a dream come true for Buria. She’s had her eye on him for years. Securing a place within his inner circle could mean a serious job upgrade and notoriety. Managing Vayen’s addictions and temper will require every skill beaten into her as a slave if she is to stand a chance at coming out on top.

Is the Ta’set family, the Narvan, and the newly-formed advisory union prepared for a future where Vayen takes the one life that will send him over the edge?

Would you like to check out the first chapter for free? Download from BookFunnel.

Available in e-book and paperback today!  Amazon / B&N / Kobo

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participating writers.
We've reached November, which means we're going to talk about National Novel Writing Month. This month's Insecure Writer's Support Group question asks: Have you ever participated? The short answer: Yes.
Want to know all about it? Let's dive in!

For year 18 of my NaNoWriMo adventures, I'll be sinking my writerly teeth into four projects as muses and time allow. I've managed to meet or exceed my goal of 50,000 words in 30 days 15 out of the 17 previous years so I'm feeling pretty good about keeping my words hopping. 

This year I'll be working on:

 A new chicken picture book - Laya's Vacation

A Narvan novella - Anastassia and Chesser's Story (title TBA)

A YA fairytale along the same vein as Spindelkin - Godmother

A sci-fi standalone - I9

We'll see how much of any or all of these I can accomplish. I know I have 3 days that nearly nothing will get done due to Grand Rapids Comic Con. I also have a 3 day work trip to St. Louis to contend with but I'm hoping to be able to write in the car (not while I'm driving, of course) and at night. Fingers cross that there are no other unexpected major interruptions.

My NaNo secrets for success

1. The point is to write 50,000 new words in 30 days. That can be done a lot of different ways. Do what speaks to you. The pure experience would be to work on a totally new novel. You could also veer into the rebel camp and write a collection of short stories, an epic poem, multiple projects, non fiction articles, etc.

2. Don't sleep. Ok, maybe this one is just me. But I don't sleep well in general so I get up several times a night, and during November, that means I might write a couple hundred or thousand words at 2am before heading back to bed and then doing it again at 7am. Maybe grabbing another writing session after work and again just before bed. Write when you can.

3. This is writing month. That means my brain is in writing mode. I typically don't read books or watch Netflix or play on my phone during November. If I'm not working, eating, or sleeping, I'm writing. And when I'm doing those other three things, I'm thinking about what I will be writing the next time I sit down at the laptop.

4. Have fun with it. Join your local NaNo group. Attend write-ins online or in person for group support and motivation. Find a writing buddy and get competitive. Urge each other on and duel with word counts. Do word wars. You don't have to write alone. Unless you prefer to, then hey, write alone.

5. Get the words on the page and don't be afraid to suck. Rough drafts are not meant to be perfect. That could mean experimenting with a scene or chapter or a bunch of chapters that might not make it into the final novel. Sometimes you need to tinker around to see what POV works best or explore a subplot. Those words all count for NaNo purposes. If you get stuck, skip to the next scene, throw words at the page and see what sticks to get you going again. Get all stream of consciousness if you have to. Just keep moving forward. Or jump around if that's your thing. Keep writing.

My NaNo history

2006 - Sahmara was my first NaNoWriMo novel. It took 10 years between it's word birth and actual publication. Noveling isn't a race. Sometimes books need time to come together.

2007 - A YA Fantasy that has yet to come together though I've toyed around with it a couple of times. I'm not giving up on it yet.

2008 - Not Another Bard's Tale - This was my favorite NaNo book to write as far as it being fun.

2009 - A Broken Race - My first book to be published in 2015

2010 - Destiny Pills & Space Wizards - My first rebel year when I wrote short stories instead of a novel.

2011 - Chain Of Grey - Narvan books are an easy (comparatively)  because those characters just flow onto the page.

2012 - A failed attempt at a Broken Race prequel that ended up providing additional content in the second edition of ABR. While I did make it to 50K, the story didn't work.

2013 - A sci-fi novel that I'd like to revisit at some point to see if I can pull it out of it's tailspin because I really like this one.

2014 - 20K of a sci-fi novel that I don't even remember writing because it was while we were building our house. Someday I'll have to read it and see if it's worth pursuing. 

2015 - Interface, oh you poor YA sci-fi novel. I've said I would finish you so many times. Yet, you're not finished. One of these days, I'll follow through.

2016 - The Last God - After several years of novels not going anywhere, I got back in the groove. Yay.

2017 - Bound In Blue

2018 - Seeker

2019 - Spindelkin

2020 - The Minor Years

2021 - Frayed - While I didn't get to 50k on this project for NaNo because: life, I did recently finish writing it and it will be released in 2024

2022 - Everyone Dies, part of Tears of the Tyrant and Kay-Kay - a very productive year

For those keeping track, that means all my novels but Trust and Dreams of Stars and Lies started as NaNo novels. NaNo isn't for everyone, but it works for me. If you're participating, feel free to shoot me a buddy request on the NaNo site. Hello, I'm Gypsywitch and I'm a nano addict.  


  1. Wow! You are a NaNo champion. Congratulations on the new release. And thanks for co-hosting today on top of it all.

  2. Thanks for co-hosting this month and congratulations on your release. Wow, you definitely have a method to your glorious madness when it comes to NaNo!

  3. Your NaNo record is impressive! Good luck this year!

  4. Love reading your positive comments on NaNo. Most I've read are skipping it. I have a feeling in a year or so, I'll be back to it.

    1. I hope you will! NaNo is my favorite time of year. We get the writing band back together, man!

  5. Ok...Google is doing the weird thing where it won't let me log in. Grrr... ANYWAY! WOW! You've had very productive NaNo's. How exciting! I'm participating for the first time in a long time and I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into a new story. Love your tips and hints as well...especially the "Don't sleep" one. I do sleep, but the idea of staying up for 30 straight days, overdosing on words does appeal to the super villain in me. Best of luck during NaNo!

    1. Welcome back to NaNo! May you have a productive month. :)

  6. Wow! You're a NaNo Veteran. I wish I had that kind of energy. Well done! Congratulations for the book.

  7. Congrats on your New Release, wishing you much success!! Good Luck with NaNo. And thank you for Co-hosting!

  8. You are such a veteran of NaNoWriMo. For me, it seems a superhero-worth adventure. Kudos to you, Jean.

    Olga Godim from

    1. It's just a matter of planting your behind in a chair and writing. ;) Sounds easier than it is though. LOL

  9. Good luck with your new book. It's always an exciting time for writers when their books come out. Thanks for co-hosting today. IWSG loves its hosts. I can't log in as myself. Blogger has decided that today. C. Lee McKenzie

    1. Thank you. I've had to disable my pop up blocker to be able to comment in blogger. Maybe see if that helps.

  10. Well, that is some writing history you've got. You certainly put my writing efforts to shame. Congrats on the new release.


    1. I don't know about that. I just have a lot of fictional people to talk about. ;)

  11. Your NaNo career must be in the top ten of consistent participants! Great advice and generous of you to share with all of us. Thanks for finding time to co-host in November. Much appreciated.
    Lynn @ Lynn La Vita

    1. There are a good number of us that have been participating for a long while. It's something I always suggest writers try at least once. It works for some and if you stick with it, the easier it gets to put out a decent draft in 30 days.

  12. Congrats on your new release and best of luck with NaNo!

  13. You are certainly an inspiration, Gypsywitch! I've never met a NaNo addict ;-) I can't believe you found time to co-host, but thank you!

  14. First congrats on your latest book!!! Hurray! Congrats, too, on how you've used NaNo to produce so many good stories. Thanks for cohosting.

  15. Congratulations on your new release, and WOW. You kick ass at NaNo! Thanks for co-hosting this month.

    1. Thank you! I aspire to kick this year as well. We'll see how this month works out.

  16. "Don't be afraid to suck" is really excellent advice for a writing life, and not just NaNoWriMo. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  17. Excellent points on how to achieve NaNo. And Bravo on your new release. All the luck with it. Thanks for co-hosting.

  18. 18 years! Astounding :) Good luck with your new book and thanks for cohosting today.

  19. Wow! You've done an amazing job with NaNoWriMo! I wish you great success this year as well. Thanks for co-hosting!


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