AJ Frey at Eyes 2 Page passed on the “Creative Writer” award.

The rules state that I must lie to you five out of six times. You get to try and guess which one is the truth. Happy guessing. I will announce the truth in next monday's post.
1. When I was in second grade, I all out punched a boy in the face. Hey, he deserved it. He cut in line. As the tallest girl in the class, I had bully issues, okay? Thankfully, after a week of having to stay after school everyday, I grew out of them.
2. Two years ago, I learned to knit. There are only so many practice scarves and mittens that I needed around the house, so I thought I'd dontate them to our local homeless shelter. When I brought my offerings in, the lady at the drop off counter refused them, saying that the quality was too poor. I was so embarrased. I haven't knitted anything since.
3. I used to manage a fast food restaurant, and in looking for some fun team building activities, I came up with the idea for a sleep over. In the restaurant. Me and eleven teenagers set up our sleeping bags and then stayed up late into the night, making all kinds of experiemental food from what was in the cooler. Well, until the cops came. They weren't happy about our being there at all and demanded to call the owner at 2am to verify that we had persmission to be there. I couldn't reach her - who answers their office number at 2am? I didn't have her home number! He took all our names, addresses and phone numbers and then threatened to arrest me if I we didn't all leave immediately. I spent the rest of the night driving a bunch of teenagers home.
4. After a late night socializing at my sister-in-law's house, I was driving my family home when a car squealed through the intersection ahead of us. The carload of drunks managed to make a tight turn, narrowly missing a telephone pole, and swerved onto the road we were on. They came straight at as... for about five seconds. Then they proceeded to sweve across all five lines several times while they tried to regain control, careening off the curb on either side. I had no where safe to pull off an no way of knowing which lane to pick to avoid them. We collided. Thankfully they only clipped the back quarter of my car and no one was hurt. The cops carted the drunk driver and his friends off to jail.
5. On the way home from the bar several years ago, I got pulled over. I rolled down the window. The cop immediately demanded that I hand over the drugs. He could smell them. There was no use hiding them. He would go easy on me if I cooperated. Umm, I didn't have any drugs. I've never done any drugs. However, the bar I'd just left smelled like a particular drug. A lot. And apparently so I did I. I tried to explain this to him, but he was having none of it, seemingly intent on making an arrest for the evening. He demanded to search my car. I let him. He demanded to search my purse. Sure. He searched me. Still nothing. Because nothing was there! He drove off one very aggravated and annoyed cop.
6. My natural hair color is blonde.
I'm tossing this one over to Ms Kitty at Jordan's Croft Happy lying. I have a feeling you'll have fun with this. :)
Scott Free at Ergo handed the Over the Top award my way.

According to the rules of this award, I must answer these questions with one word.
Your cell phone: Green
Your hair: Faded
Your mother: Gone
Your father: Balding
Your favorite food: Sushi
Your dream last night: Weird
Your favorite drink: Rum
Your dream goal: Published
What room are you in: Bedroom
Your hobby: Writing
Your fear: Loss
Where do you see yourself in six years: Older
Where were you last night: Bed
Something you aren't: Understated
Muffins: Yum
Wish list item: Cash
Where did you grow up: Michigan
Last thing you did: shopping
What are you wearing: clothes
Your TV: big
Your pets: alive
Your friends: happy
Your life: good
Your mood: awake
Missing someone: always
Vehicle: green
Something you aren't wearing: coat
Your favorite store: grocery
Your favorite color: Blue
When was the last time you laughed: Earlier
Last time you cried: Spring
Your best friend: Funny
One place you go to over and over: kitchen
Facebook: yep
Favorite place to eat: restaurant

Your cell phone: Green
Your hair: Faded
Your mother: Gone
Your father: Balding
Your favorite food: Sushi
Your dream last night: Weird
Your favorite drink: Rum
Your dream goal: Published
What room are you in: Bedroom
Your hobby: Writing
Your fear: Loss
Where do you see yourself in six years: Older
Where were you last night: Bed
Something you aren't: Understated
Muffins: Yum
Wish list item: Cash
Where did you grow up: Michigan
Last thing you did: shopping
What are you wearing: clothes
Your TV: big
Your pets: alive
Your friends: happy
Your life: good
Your mood: awake
Missing someone: always
Vehicle: green
Something you aren't wearing: coat
Your favorite store: grocery
Your favorite color: Blue
When was the last time you laughed: Earlier
Last time you cried: Spring
Your best friend: Funny
One place you go to over and over: kitchen
Facebook: yep
Favorite place to eat: restaurant
And the award goes to: Botanist at Views From the Bald Patch for your ability to name eighty characters in one novel.
Zella Kate has tagged me to predict my future in ten years. Hmmmm Let's see.

Older. Grayer. Wiser - hopefully. Published - hopefully. Egads, a grandmother? It could happen. Scary. A few more novels finished, really finished -hopefully. Full of hope. Definitely. Still trying to get over that grandmother realization. In good heath. Yeah, hoping again. Two kids in college. Hmm, in debt. Certainly. OMG a grandmother? Caring for kids who are taking internet college courses from their locked rooms. Yes! There we go.
Quick, take this tag and run with it before I dwell on this anymore. AJ Frey at Eyes 2 Page you are hereby tagged.
All except number six are lies!
ReplyDelete(LOL I'm not sure. You're a good liar, Gypsy. ;) er...not sure thats' a compliment.)
Thanks, Scott. I think. ;)
ReplyDeleteAww...thanks Jean. It gives me great pleasure to accept this award, and I couldn't have done it without the help of Shayla Carver, Brandt Carver, Julian Skamensis, Finn Probey,...
ReplyDeleteIt might be a while before I get around to passing it on. Just packing up the trailer to go camping. Will hopefully post pictures when we return.
And all six sound way too plausible for comfort, so I'm going to guess that no.1 is the truth. I reckon you've channeled all that rage into your characters :-)