Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love and Interviews

Happy day of love, or return of The Walking Dead, depending on your outlook. I'm in favor of the zombies, myself. It's also a love thing. Evenings on the couch with one of our favorite shows is couple time.

While I'm busy writing today, because my characters need love too, stop on over to Madeline Dyer's blog where I talk about A Broken Race and other writerly things.  And when you're done there, slid over to Authors Answer were we all talk about writing romance. See, it is all about love today.

I hope you're a showered with roses, chocolates and special meals. Or zombies. Whatever makes you happy.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Eye Report

It's been another productive couple weeks so time again for anther update on what my eyes have been up to.

I've finally settled on working title for Book 3 of The Narvan: Bound In Blue. That project has been zipping along and is now up to 55K. Only 35K more and then the editing fun begins. Really though, I like the editing stage. I'm looking forward to cleaning this up and making it presentable.

After attending my first meeting with the local writing group, I meet up with Lindsey Winsemius who was just getting ready to release her second novel, Patrician. Which meant I had to catch up on the first novel to appreciate the second one. I made it through Reaper in a day and half, because work. If you're looking for a dystopian fix with some sweet romance, check out her books.

In TV land, we discovered Dark Matter. Okay, so we didn't discover it, that would be bad, but we did find the show and watched the entire season. I love Netflix for enabling my binge tendencies. If you're still mourning the loss of Firefly, this sci-fi show about good bad...maybe bad...trying to be good...violently bad guys (and gals) in a spaceship may just fill the whole in your heart.

Last night we finished the season of Jessica Jones. I did enjoy this show, but there so were so many moments throughout the last few episodes where we both yelled at the television," just kill him already", that it made the end of the season feel more like a relief than resolution.

And now to enjoy some writing time while everyone else is preparing for sportball frenzy.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Insecure Writer's Support Group

So I begin insecurely, by remembering that I'm was supposed to write a post on the first Wednesday of the month...after 11pm when I was all tucked in bed. A day late, and I'm off to a great start, aren't I?

Since the release of A Broken Race, I've been trying to get involved with more writing groups for support. I've been a long time member of one that I'm comfortable with. However, stepping into several new groups at a time has been a little socially overwhelming for this writing cave dweller. I'm used to running a group, not being part of one. This whole being one of the gang thing is new, and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet.

Last night was my second meeting in person with a local group of writers. I've done an in person group for years during NaNoWriMo, but yeah, I've always been in charge. So to go and follow along with someone else's plan for the group, the discussion and all, has been interesting. I can't say that I get a whole lot written during our meetings but the networking part of it has been beneficial.

Part of that networking has been joining various Facebook groups. Again, I've had a writing Facebook group, but now I'm having to explore all the posting rules of all these others ones. It's so much to keep track of. With all this time spent on marketing and networking, how do people find time to write?

Drop by all the other ISWG posts here.